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Thursday, September 11, 2008

HSoftware (Human Software): Will to Act (responsible for development of competencies and skills)

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(It will be prudent to read my previous write-ups on the subject of "Shyam Bhatawdekar's effectiveness model: HSoftware)" so that this post here benefits you more).

In earlier posts, if you remember, we mentioned that effectiveness is dependent of following four factors:

  1. Values
  2. Knowledge and information
  3. Paradigms
  4. Will to act (responsible for development of competencies and skills)
In earlier posts, we described the first three factors of HSoftware model.

In this post we will describe the fourth factor i.e. Will or enthusiasm or internal motivation to perform, act or do.

Internal motivation (or even the internal motivation generated by external motivation) to act is yet another element of "human software" responsible for your effectiveness or ineffectiveness. It is your action orientation. Though actions can be seen being executed but the will to do them, the enthusiasm with which you perform, the internal motivation that propels you to be a doer, are all within your mind. That is why it is your yet another important software (the HSoftware).

One may have all the other three softwares (values, knowledge and paradigms) and that too the effective ones or the correct ones within him, however, despite knowing everything, if he does not use them, does not act upon them or implement them, he will not achieve much. So, he becomes utterly ineffective and has no positive results for himself. The following equations seem to be true:

Great value, knowledge and paradigm + Zero implementation = No effectiveness, No results, No success

Some value, knowledge and paradigm + Some implementation = Some effectiveness, Some results, Some success

Great value, knowledge and paradigm + Great implementation = Great effectiveness, Great results, Great success

You can see here that the implementation or execution is the key factor for being effective and successful. And one can become a great doer only if he has higher inner motivation, the enthusiasm to perform.

Various people are doers of some categories depending upon the extent and quality of their motivation. I am giving below the hierarchy of doers (the percent figures by the side indicate as to how much effective they could be if they were in that particular category of doers):

I did 100%

I will 90%
I can 80%
I think I can 70%
I might 60%
I think I might 50%

What is it 40%
I don’t know how 30%
I can’t 20%
I won’t 0% or 10%

The "I did" type is a self-starter person with highest inner motivation.

Depending on internal motivation to act, people actually start performing because that performance gives some of them meaning in life, to others it is commitment or duty and therefore, they should perform. Some others preform just to get some rewards or praise from others and some are fearful of the consequences if they don't work. There are a few who also come in the category who rebel, are angry or frustrated and they quit.

Therefore, in order to be effective and successful in all the spheres of life (personal, professional, family and society), one must improve upon one's enthusiasm levels and start working.

For improving effectiveness in performance, you need to develop the competencies and skills to a higher levels through a "desire-knowledge-practice-habit" model described at Just to refresh, in order to achieve a competency or skill, one has to have the desire to do so. Once the desire or will power is kindled, one needs to acquire the values, knowledge and paradigms relevant to that competency or skill and then keep on practicing or implementing. So, in order to gain the new values, knowledge, paradigms and skills/competencies, the desire to do or execute is a must.

The proficiency in competencies and skills could vary from a very low to very high level. Once you have the right values, right knowledge and right paradigms and you have an internal motivation or enthusiasm to act or do, you pick a set of competencies or skills as required to be successful in personal, professional, family and/or social life and start doing them again and again. You practice and practice and practice and you do it repeatedly because you have that internal motivation to perform. You want to excel in your craft because only that is finally useful. But to excel, you have to be damn good at that craft. A surgeon is surely nervous operating his/her first patient (good thing that the patient does not know this fact). A dancer has to rehearse and rehearse in order to give that perfect shot for the movie. An engineer has to get that washer done 100% correct as it is going to fit in that critical place in that manned space shuttle. A cobbler on the street has to stitch the shoes with precision if he wants to attract more customers so as to earn better daily wages for himself. All this requires great expertise or proficiency in skills and competencies and that comes only through repeated performances which in turn requires will or enthusiasm to act or do.

Get you eBook and/or printed book titled "HSoftware (The Only Key to Higher Effectiveness)" online from Amazon.

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