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Thursday, August 28, 2008

HSoftware (Human Software): Knowledge Base

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(You will benefit more if you also read my previous write-ups on this model "Shyam Bhatawdekar's Effectiveness Model- HSoftware").

In my previous post I dealt with value structure, the first of the four factors responsible for one's effectiveness. Now, in this post I will take you through the second factor of "HSoftware" called "knowledge base".

Knowledge base or information base of an individual is the next important factor to become more effective. Though they say that ignorance is bliss, the ignorance, at times, may kill people. Suppose I did not know any thing about my heart condition, I may indulge myself in eating and doing things which will be fatal but the moment I have an electro cardiogram and learn that I have a heart condition, I will start taking adequate precautions and medication. I have now improved my chances of leading a longer and healthier life. I have become more effective.

In a few of the countries in the world, many of the men in anticipation of becoming father start taking up lessons on pregnancy, child birth and child care. It definitely makes them better and more effective husbands and fathers. Their perception towards their wives and children is now far more correct.

If one has better knowledge about his profession and its competency requirements, he is better equipped to take further steps to do better in his profession.

Keeping an open mind is the best way to learn and thus gain more knowledge. One can learn from every where- from others, from wife and children, from mother and father, from brothers and sisters, from bosses, colleagues and subordinates, from what is happening around and from authentic literature.

Knowledge is of two types: the rational knowledge and the emotional knowledge (the emotional intelligence).

You come back home from office and you ask your wife as an every day ritual- darling how are you? Every day she says, "I am good" (and she means it). Today also she says, "I am good" (but she does not mean it, the tone is not the same, there is some frustration in the voice. If you look at her face (which you normally don't do after several years of marriage), there is some sadness on her face. All this, because early in the day, you rang her and cancelled the planned weekend outing since you had to attend an important meeting in the office on the weekend). An emotionally un-intelligent husband can not understand the slight difference in the two "I am good" expressions. And there he loses out some marks in the eyes of the wife. Yet, an emotionally intelligent husband anticipates wife's disappointment and is prepared to woo her back. He gets extra marks from his wife and possibly, extra rewards. Who is more effective?

Knowledge allows you to take the right directions to achieve your objectives and the correction or rework is less. You don't waste your efforts, time and other resources. Rational and emotional knowledge make your "human software" more capable and bug-less or bug free.

Continuous updating of knowledge is the key to improved "human software (HSoftware)" and therefore, to the effectiveness and success in all the spheres of life: personal, professional, family and social.

Get you eBook and/or printed book titled "HSoftware (The Only Key to Higher Effectiveness)" online from Amazon.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

HSoftware (Human Software): Value Structure

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(It will be good to read my previous posts on this subject for continuity, better understanding and more benefits to you).

In my last post, I had mentioned that the effectiveness of a person depends on his "human software (HSoftware)" or "programming of mind" which consists of following four elements or factors:
1. Human beliefs or human value structure
2. Knowledge and information base (both rational and emotional)
3. Paradigms (mindsets or thinking patterns)
4. Will or enthusiasm (motivation) to act or execute
In these paragraphs, now, I will describe the first factor i.e. Value structure.

Human beliefs or value structure is all about conviction for the basic or fundamental truths or values. The thinking, decisions and actions of an individual are directed by the degree of conviction for the values. The values are not too many. They are just about 10 or 12 fundamental principles of life which have stood the test over thousands of years of human existence. Some of these are: truthfulness, kindness, respect for everyone, generosity, integrity. While being truthful in every circumstance is the principle, people interpret it severally and act accordingly. As per their convenience, they tell lies or speak truth. As for being respectful is concerned, though the fundamental principle means respecting every one, many people choose to respect the ones in authority or the rich guys or the people older than them, or only men and not women or there is race bias or religion bias or language bias. It's true.

These days many people argue that the sure-shot way to succeed in life is by telling lies or cheating or exploiting others etc and they quote many examples of very well known and so called famous (or is it notorious?) people who have climbed the ladder of prosperity, name and fame. So, as per them, this principle of truthfulness, not cheating any one etc is all bogus, it just can't work in the modern-day life.

I ask these people whether would they like to teach their own children to tell lies, cheat others or kill others for achieving success in life. I ask them as to why then were they wasting their children's life by teaching them to follow a principled path. Why should not they train their children in telling lies effectively or cheating effectively from right now on. Does any one have courage to do so? Or would any one like to do it to their own children? Then the truth dawns on these people, they feel a bit jolted and in one voice, I hear a strong "no".

Both the paths, the principled path and the un-principled path may get you name, fame, money and so called success but the two paths are parallel, they don't meet any where. Also, un-principled path may, many times, lead you to degradation, shame, stress, legal courts, jail etc.

Yet, though being hazily aware of what I have described so far, over a period of time, people start pursuing the principles or the values in their own way. They fall some where in the range of absolute followers to zero followers of different values. They act accordingly and get the results of their actions in line with the actions.

Principled person does not have to waste his efforts in guarding himself off the possible wrong consequences of the actions that an un-principled person is most often likely to embrace. Therefore, principled person seems lot more effective than an un-principled person.
In my next write-up I will describe the second factor of HSoftware i.e. "knowledge and information base (both rational and emotional)".

Get you eBook and/or printed book titled "HSoftware (The Only Key to Higher Effectiveness)" online from Amazon.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

HSoftware (Human Software)

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(It will be good to read my previous posts on this subject for continuity, better understanding and more benefits to you).

In the last post, I left you by presenting a poser to you. Why is it that some times people are able to arrive at one single solution or more or less similar solutions to a problem and yet other times, they have a considerable or huge conflict with each other in arriving at a common solution or similar solutions? They display their "uniqueness" quite starkly. And we have to believe, then, that every human being is unique. I asked a question to you, "why this uniqueness, what factors are responsible for it?" I had given two situations to you, one of air crash and the other of arithmetic.

Think about it. Why is there a significant conflict in the solutions of air crash situation but unanimity in the problem of adding two numbers? It is because of the "human software", the "programming of mind". In case of air crash, every one's "human software" is not the same. In case of addition problem, every one has exactly same and precise and correct "human software".

Human uniqueness comes from each one's "human software". And this "human software" is responsible also for the most correct or less correct or least correct solutions to the problems in personal, professional, family and social life of individuals.

Uniqueness of human beings is a reality but that does not mean that every one is correct or say, uniquely equally effective. Some people may have wrong answers and they are least effective, those with relatively more correct answers are little more effective and those who are closest to the answers or who can find the right answers are most effective. Philosophically speaking, life is all about finding the truth or getting closer to it. The man-kind is busy doing it all the time from time immemorial.

The people who have learnt elementary math- arithmetic have a particular type of "human software", those who know it but goof up in adding due to certain reasons have a different "human software" and the people who did not learn arithmetic and so, can not or are not inclined to add numbers, have yet another type of "human software". In this example, the first types are most effective, the second set of people, less effective and the third types, the least effective. You can clearly see that this effectiveness is in direct proportion to the "human software" related to this arithmetic problem.

An analysis of what happens in choosing the leader in the air crash scenario described earlier here, brings forth more dimensions of this "human software". At times, a participant of my seminar chooses a particular candidate out of the survivors of the air crash because he gives more weightage to particular qualities, characteristics and behavior of that candidate while the other participant rejects the same candidate for perhaps the same reasons. He gives more weightage to somethings else in this candidate or in some other candidates (from air crash survivors). These weightages make each person unique. And these weightages are an outcome of each person's "human software (HSoftware)".

An analysis of these and such many responses tells us more about the "human software". It is the "programming of human mind" at a given point of time for a particular situation. Based on this "programming of mind", the same inputs are processed by different people differently because each one's mind's programming is different. Each one becomes a unique processor. If it was the same or similar "programming of mind", answers or the solutions to given situation will be same or similar. Otherwise, they will not be the same. That's what exactly happens in the discussions on air crash situation. What are, then, these factors or elements which make this "programming of mind" or the "human software"?

After distilling the data collected in hundreds of my seminars involving thousands of people from different age groups, genders, educational and experience backgrounds and also from my observations of large number of people during my 40 years of executive/management consultant life in the corporate sector, I have arrived on an understanding that this "human software (HSoftware)" or "programming of mind" consists of following four elements or factors:

1. Human beliefs or human value structure
2. Knowledge and information base (both rational and emotional)
3. Paradigms (mindsets or thinking patterns)
4. Will or enthusiasm (motivation) to act or execute

These four factors are all in the mind- that's why they are "software". They are "human software (HSoftware).

I will explain each of these four factors in my next post. Stay with me.

Get you eBook and/or printed book titled "HSoftware (The Only Key to Higher Effectiveness)" online from Amazon.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

HSoftware (Human Software): Every Human Being Is Different

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(Please read my earlier write-ups for more benefits to you).

In thousands of my seminars for general public and for people of the corporate sector, I have invariably found that the seminar participants' response to any of the management exercises or case studies I give them to solve is not the same. Most times it is pretty different from each other.

Sometimes I invite them to give solution for a situation of an air crash in the jungles of Assam (India). The air crash situation reads something like this:

"An airplane with 74 passengers on board developed engine trouble while flying over the jungles of Assam (India). The pilot managed to send out an SOS message just before the plane crashed into the jungles. Time: 3.12 pm.

All members of the crew died except the pilot and there were in all seven survivors. (I tell each participant of the seminar to imagine that the participant himself was traveling in that airplane and he was one of the seven). There were two women survivors, one of them is badly injured and is losing blood fast.

The plane exploded shortly after crashing but some of the survivors had managed to retrieve some items before the explosion. They could not, however, retrieve any food or water. The pilot had taken a bearing just before the engine trouble developed. He reckons that the plane crashed about 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) from the nearest inhabited area. To reach it would mean marching through thick forest with heavy undergrowth, crossing streams and fending off wild animals that abound in these jungles.

After recovering from the shock, the survivors began discussing what to do. Should they stay put? Should they march towards the nearest civilization?

It soon became apparent that no agreement was being reached by the survivors. In fact there seemed to be a struggle for leadership, some friction was developing and the group realized this might jeopardize all of them.

(Then, I tell the participants that since you were one of the travelers and since you remained the most calm and objective, the group agreed that it would abide by your decision as to who should be the leader. It was also agreed that you could not choose yourself as leader. Then, I give to each participant of the seminar some details about his co-survivors. I ask him to read those details and then take decision as to whom he would choose as leader from among the survivors).

Having given these details, I ask each participant: whom would you choose as leader".

In my thousands of seminars with more than 100,000 people who participated in my seminars, every one of the five candidates (the five survivors of the air crash) was chosen as leader by some participant or other and every one's reasons to choose his candidate was not identical. In many cases even though two or more participants chose the same candidate as the leader, their reasons were not identical. But every one was very sure that his choice was the most correct.

When I make them to discuss and sort out their differences in their choices and come to a common name for the leader, more than 99% times, no consensus is arrived. They agree to disagree. At times, they lose their control in the discussions, become emotional, start talking lose, getting personal, start shouting, taking row with each other, abusing others and only short of fisticuffs. I give them almost 45 minutes to an hour to come to a common platform but they can not do it.

Interesting? Yes, it is. Everyone displays his uniqueness. Everyone has different look at the same topic, every one thinks and argues his stand differently and not willing to buzz. But when I give them to add 2 + 3, every one, yes, every one gives the same answer: addition of 2 + 3 is 5. There is no argument, there is no conflict.

Why in the air crash exercise everybody agreed to disagree but in arithmetic exercise every one agreed and got one same answer. Why?

You will see my explanation in my next post here.

Get you eBook and/or printed book titled "HSoftware (The Only Key to Higher Effectiveness)" online from Amazon.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

HSoftware (Human Software): Management in Life, Family, Profession, Business and Society

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

In this space, I am going to share with you the latest, the most comprehensive and the most authentic model for achieving effectiveness, success, prosperity, peace, autonomy, genuineness, liberation and happiness in life, family, profession, business and society.

The effectiveness model put forth here is called "The Shyam Bhatawdekar Effectiveness Model: Human Software (HSoftware)".

This model is an outcome of my study and research on people's effectiveness (and in-effectiveness) from all walks of life. In my nearly 40 years of experience as an executive in the corporate sector and as a management consultant/management educator as well as 60 years experience as a human being, I have met several thousands of people and I have trained more than 100,000 persons in my 35000 hours of speaking assignments. I observed them keenly in their day-to-day life, collected data through several management exercises, games and case study discussions, read through and saw the success and failure stories and then constructed the model of effectiveness: "The Shyam Bhatawdekar Effectiveness Model: Human Software (HSoftware)".

The model, when tested over different aspects of human activities, is able to analyse those activities and behavior patterns of people and also presents solutions to the embedded problems.

Please read through the write-ups here frequently and be benefit ted by them in a real sense to manage your life more decently.

Please feel free to write emails to me.


Get you eBook and/or printed book titled "HSoftware (The Only Key to Higher Effectiveness)" online from Amazon.