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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

HSoftware (Human Software)

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(It will be good to read my previous posts on this subject for continuity, better understanding and more benefits to you).

In the last post, I left you by presenting a poser to you. Why is it that some times people are able to arrive at one single solution or more or less similar solutions to a problem and yet other times, they have a considerable or huge conflict with each other in arriving at a common solution or similar solutions? They display their "uniqueness" quite starkly. And we have to believe, then, that every human being is unique. I asked a question to you, "why this uniqueness, what factors are responsible for it?" I had given two situations to you, one of air crash and the other of arithmetic.

Think about it. Why is there a significant conflict in the solutions of air crash situation but unanimity in the problem of adding two numbers? It is because of the "human software", the "programming of mind". In case of air crash, every one's "human software" is not the same. In case of addition problem, every one has exactly same and precise and correct "human software".

Human uniqueness comes from each one's "human software". And this "human software" is responsible also for the most correct or less correct or least correct solutions to the problems in personal, professional, family and social life of individuals.

Uniqueness of human beings is a reality but that does not mean that every one is correct or say, uniquely equally effective. Some people may have wrong answers and they are least effective, those with relatively more correct answers are little more effective and those who are closest to the answers or who can find the right answers are most effective. Philosophically speaking, life is all about finding the truth or getting closer to it. The man-kind is busy doing it all the time from time immemorial.

The people who have learnt elementary math- arithmetic have a particular type of "human software", those who know it but goof up in adding due to certain reasons have a different "human software" and the people who did not learn arithmetic and so, can not or are not inclined to add numbers, have yet another type of "human software". In this example, the first types are most effective, the second set of people, less effective and the third types, the least effective. You can clearly see that this effectiveness is in direct proportion to the "human software" related to this arithmetic problem.

An analysis of what happens in choosing the leader in the air crash scenario described earlier here, brings forth more dimensions of this "human software". At times, a participant of my seminar chooses a particular candidate out of the survivors of the air crash because he gives more weightage to particular qualities, characteristics and behavior of that candidate while the other participant rejects the same candidate for perhaps the same reasons. He gives more weightage to somethings else in this candidate or in some other candidates (from air crash survivors). These weightages make each person unique. And these weightages are an outcome of each person's "human software (HSoftware)".

An analysis of these and such many responses tells us more about the "human software". It is the "programming of human mind" at a given point of time for a particular situation. Based on this "programming of mind", the same inputs are processed by different people differently because each one's mind's programming is different. Each one becomes a unique processor. If it was the same or similar "programming of mind", answers or the solutions to given situation will be same or similar. Otherwise, they will not be the same. That's what exactly happens in the discussions on air crash situation. What are, then, these factors or elements which make this "programming of mind" or the "human software"?

After distilling the data collected in hundreds of my seminars involving thousands of people from different age groups, genders, educational and experience backgrounds and also from my observations of large number of people during my 40 years of executive/management consultant life in the corporate sector, I have arrived on an understanding that this "human software (HSoftware)" or "programming of mind" consists of following four elements or factors:

1. Human beliefs or human value structure
2. Knowledge and information base (both rational and emotional)
3. Paradigms (mindsets or thinking patterns)
4. Will or enthusiasm (motivation) to act or execute

These four factors are all in the mind- that's why they are "software". They are "human software (HSoftware).

I will explain each of these four factors in my next post. Stay with me.

Get you eBook and/or printed book titled "HSoftware (The Only Key to Higher Effectiveness)" online from Amazon.

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